100% Free On-Demand Training Reveals...
Close More Sales And
Easily Overcome Any Objection
Without Ever Feeling Pushy Or Sleazy
Using Our Proven 'Connection Method'
(Whilst Charging What You’re Worth And Feeling Great About Closing The Sale)
You're Going To Learn:
  •    How the 'connection method' makes selling not only easier, but allows you to overcome any objection by connecting with the prospect instead of pushing them
  •    How to sell more by doing less with zero pressure-selling, pushing or aggression. Closing is simple and easy when you know how the 'connection method' works
  •    How to close sales calls faster by simplifying the closing process and asking the right questions, so you can close
    calls in as fast as just 15 mins instead of 60 mins
Ben Jacob-Smith is a world-renowned sales professional who invented the 'connection method' in order to make overcoming objections seamless and to make selling simple, fun and high-integrity. He's trained thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide using the 'connection method'. He's shown how this method allows you to charge what you're worth and conduct calls in a friendly, professional way all whilst shortening calls to as fast as 10 mins instead of 60 mins. Say goodbye to "objection landing", pushing, pressuring or "hard closing" and get ready to close more sales, way easier, way faster and for way more money, too.

100% Free On-Demand Workshop Reveals...

Close Sales And Easily
Overcome Any Objection
Without Ever Feeling Pushy
Or Sleazy Using Our Proven
'Connection Method'

(Whilst Charging What You’re Worth And
Feeling Great About Closing The Sale)

You're Going To Learn:

  • How the 'connection method' makes selling not only easier but allows you to overcome any objection by connecting with the prospect instead of pushing them
  • ​How to sell more by doing less with zero pressure-selling, pushing or aggression. Closing is simple and easy when you know how the 'connection method' works
  • How to close sales calls faster by simplifying the closing process and asking the right questions, so you can close calls in as fast as 15 mins instead of 60 mins
Ben Jacob-Smith is a world-renowned sales professional who invented the 'connection method' in order to make overcoming objections seamless and to make selling simple, fun and high-integrity. He's trained thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide using the 'connection method'. He's shown how this method allows you to charge what you're worth and conduct calls in a friendly, professional way all whilst shortening calls to as fast as 10 mins instead of 60 mins. Say goodbye to "objection landing", pushing, pressuring or "hard closing" and get ready to close more sales, way easier, way faster and for way more money, too.